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时间: 小龙 英语说课稿



More insects and plants


Look and read Play a game


1. 知识目标:Using possessive adjectives to show possession Using nouns phrases to identify people,animals,events,objects and activities Asking simple questions to obtain yes/no answers

2. 能力目标:Communicate with teachers or other learners

3. 情态目标:爱护绿化


Its stalk is long. Has it got …?

Teaching aids:pictures,recorder


一、Warming –up

1,Sing a song

2,Daily talk

Revision Review:stalk,leaves,flowers,roots,


1.Show a picture of a plant with flowers. Ask:What is it?Is it a tree? To elicit:a plant/ Ask:What colour are the flowers? What colour are the leaves? To elicit:They?re… Ask:Are they long or short? To elicit:They?re long(short) .

2.Draw another plants. Say:Look at this plant.Its flowers are red. Look at that plant .Its flowers are purple.

3.Listen to the tape.

4.Say sth.about the plant .

Show a picture of a tree. Introduce:a trunk,branches.

Make sentences:Its trunk is big. It branches are long.

Listeen to the tape.

Say sth about the tree.

Play the cassette:

Play a game/ Listen and repeat.

Play this game.


1.Photocopiable pages 44-45.

2.Workbook page 29.

3.Grammar practice book 4a page 35.


Unit 2 Look at,,, Its stalk is…

Its trunk is…

leaves are …branches… roots flowers


Unit4 A Let’s learn


1. 知识目标:

能够听、说、认读living room,study,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom;能通过探究掌握读音规律,并能在模拟的生活环境中相互交流有关家庭居室的情况。



(2)能够听懂并能发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room,watch TV / …

3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标:







Step 1. Warm-up

1. Let's sing: "In the Classroom" (学生边唱边拍手)


2. Free talk:

T: Hello! Boys and girls! (指着教室问学生) What's this?

Ss: This is our classroom.

T: How many boards / windows / ... can you see?

S: I can see two green boards / six windows / ...

T: What can you do in the classroom?

S1: I can wash the windows in the classroom.

S2: I can sweep the floor in the classroom.


T: Yeah. Our classroom is so big, so clean and so beautiful.


Step 2. Presentation

1. living room

T: (课件呈现哆啦A梦) Who is he?

Ss: He is 哆啦A梦.

T: Is he in our classroom now?

Ss: No.

T: Where can you see哆啦A梦?

S: I can see哆啦A梦in the books / pictures / TV.


T: (学生一说出TV就问) But where is the TV?

S1: It’s in the classroom.

T: Maybe.

S2: It's in the ...


T: (课件呈现客厅) Look. It's in a living room. Read after me. /v/, /v/ living room.

Ss: (Read it together, four by four, one by one)


T: What can you do in a living room?

S1: I can watch TV in a living room.

S2: I can sweep the floor in a living room.


T: OK. I want to watch TV now. Let's go to the living room and watch TV.

Ss: (Say and act) (学生边说边做)


2. study

T: I like to watch TV. I also like computer games. Do you like computer games?

Ss: Yes. (学生大声回答)

T: Do you play computer games in a living room?

S1: Yes, I do.

Ss: Not for me. I play computer games in my "书房".

T: Yes, we often play computer games in a "study". But we can't play too long time.


T: Read after me. (用升、降调领读)

Ss: (one by one)

T: (课件呈现书房) What can you see in the study?

S: I can see a desk / a chair / many books / ... in the study.


T: Do you like the study? Why?

S1: Yes. I can play computer games in the study.

S2: I like the study. I can read story-books in the study.


T: Yes. We all like reading books in the study. Let's go to the study. OK? (教师用夸张的语气讲述,好象真地要带学生去书房)

Ss: OK.

T: Go with me. Go to the study. Read a book.

Ss: (学生起立跟着教师边说边做)


3. bedroom

T: (课件呈现一名学生躺在床上看书) Can we read books in bed?

Ss: No, we can't.


T: We can sleep in bed. Where is the bed?

S: It's in the "bedroom". (强调发音,防止学生读成bed-room)

T: Listen to me, please. bedroom, /dr/, /u:/, /dru:/, bedroom. (纠音)

Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


T: OK. Look! What can you see in the bedroom? (课件呈现)

S1: ( I can see a bed / a picture / ... in the bedroom.


T: Let's go to the bedroom and have a rest. (Sing the song "My Bedroom" In my bedroom, in my bedroom, near the table and the chair. You can see my little teddy bear sleeping in my little bed)

S: (学生随着音乐跟唱)

T: (唱完后) Who's in the bedroom?

Ss: Teddy bear.


4. kitchen

T: (紧接着点击课件,发出碗被打碎和猫叫的声音) What happened? Who's coming?

Ss: Cat.


T: Where is the cat? Is it in the ...?

S1: Is it in the living room?

T: No, it isn't.

S2: Is it in the bedroom / study / ...?

T: (课件呈现小猫在厨房打碎碗的情景) Look! The cat is in the "kitchen" (升、降调) /i/ /i/ kitchen.

Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


T: The cat is hungry. I'm hungry, too. I can have some noodles in the kitchen. What about you?

S1: I can have some chicken in the kitchen.

S2: I can have some cake in the kitchen.

... (要求学生边说边做动作)


T: We can also have a snack. Look! This is a snack. (出示实物.帮助学生理解snack)

Ss: Wow! Yummy! (学生表现出很想吃的样子)

T: Let's go to the kitchen. Have a snack.



5. bathroom

T: (教师吃完后看着自己的手说) Wow! My hand is so dirty. I can wash my hands in the "bathroom". /a:/ /ba:/, bathroom.

Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


T: (课件呈现四个不同的浴室) I have four bathrooms. Which bathroom do you like best? Why?

S1: I like bathroom 3. It's big and clean.

S2: I like bathroom 1. It's blue. I like blue.



T: What can you do in the bathroom? Discuss in four.

Ss: (学生讨论)

T: OK. Who wants to have a try?

S1: I can wash my hands / face / ... in the bathroom.

T: We can also take a shower in the bathroom. Let's do.

T: We can do different things in different rooms. Let's do.

(Ss listen to the tape and do actions.)


3. Step 3. Extension / Consolidation

活动一:Guessing game: Where is he / she?

1. T (课件): It's time to play a game. Let's play a game. OK?

Ss: OK.

T: (Ask one student to come to the board and do actions. where he/she is)

T: (做刷牙状) Where is Miss Zhu?

Ss: Miss Zhu is in the bathroom.

T: Who wants to have a try?

S: ...


活动二:Find friends (Read and find out)

T: I have five friends who are they?

T: (课件呈现)

Friend one: I'm big. I have a TV. I have two sofas. Who am I?

Friend two: I'm big, too. I'm nice. I have a pink bed. I have many pictures. Who am I?

Friend three: I' m small. I have many books. I have a white computer. I have many friends. Who am I?

Fried four: I'm very small. I can make you clean. Who am I?

Fried five: I'm clean. I have many apples. I have hamburgers. I can make you strong. Who am I?

Ss: (Read together and guess what rooms they are.)


活动三:Rent a house

(课件呈现;Kate wants to rent a house with a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Now you have a house for rent. You can introduce your house to Kate.)

For example: I have a house for rent. Look! This is my house. A bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. Look! This is the bathroom. It's so big and nice. This is the bedroom. You can see a lamp and a bed in it. This is the kitchen. It's so big and clean. Do you like my house?


T: Now, discuss in your group. You Can use theses sentences:

(课件呈现可用句型:I have ...

Look! This is the ... It's ...

You can see ...

Do you like my house?

(Ss discuss in four, then act out in class.)



Unit 1 Blouses and Jeans


1. Work with language, sing along and fun with English.

2. Vocabulary: hundred, jacket, socks, coat, sport shoes, sweater…..

3. Sentence structure: NUM and MUM is NUM.\ How much is \are……?






tape, pictures



To greet each other and then sing an English song: Good morning/ Good afternoon.


1. Review the picture of clothes in oral:

What’s it? It’s a ……

What’re they? They’re ……

2. Review the Dialogue A.

Look at the picture and say:

3. Point out the project of this lesson.

Presentation and exercises

1. New words: hundred, jacket, socks, coat, sport shoes, sweater……

2.Work with language:

1) Practice orally, and than complete the dialogue.

2) Make new dialogues in pairs, and ask some pairs act out in class.

3) Listen to the tape and write down the prices.


I like birds, I like shirts. I like the skirt but it’s hers.

4.Fun with language:

1) Listen and learn the song in P4.

2) Listen and color the clothes. (This can be done after school as homework if time is limited)




《what's the matter》


1.能够听说读写表情情绪的五个单词:tired, angry, excited, happy, sad ,以及四会句子:How are you? You look so happy. You look sad taday.”

2.能够听说认读读句子:How are you?Liu Yun? You look so happy.I’m sorry to hear that并能在实际情境中运用。

3.学唱歌曲:The way I feel










1、Free talk

How do you feel if you have the llu?

What do you do if you have the llu?



(1)is with the what matter you?

(2)you feel How do /

(3)throat,my sore is




(一)Let’s learn

1、上面的活动结束后,获胜的小组肯定会很兴奋,这时老师指着他们对另一组学生说:Look! They are so excited” 老师反复说几遍,让学生看老师的口形,听清后跟读,教师板书单词:excited 教师问:How do you feel ?生答:I’m excited. 之后老师指其中一生问:How does she/he feel ?示意让生答:She/he is excited 这样示范一两遍后,让学生互相问答。(先找一生站起来,并做出兴奋的样子)。

2、教师做出“开心”的样子对学生说:You are very happy. I am happy, too.Look at my face.This is a happy face. 然后在黑板上画happy face.和sad face. ,这时教师指着sad face 问学生:Is it a happy face?以此来教学单词happy 和 sad。并板书这两个单词。然后找两同学上台,其中一生做笑脸的表情,另一学生做难过的表情,老师问:How does she/he feel?让生答:She’s/he’s__________

3、老师出示一张画有“无聊”的人物图片,问学生:Is he happy ?学生肯定答:No. 老师接着问:How does she feel?学生有可能会答:He is sad .老师这时补充说:He is bored. 并板书此单词,老师再用肢体动作和表情来帮学生理解其含义。

4、教师课前安排好两名学生这时在下面搞小动作,被老师发现了,老师立刻停止讲课,并做出生气的表情,当这两生听见没有声音时,问老师:How are you ,Miss Liang?师接着说:I’m angry. 并板书教生认读(师这时表情变为笑脸)然后同桌之间互相做表情,进行问答。


教师发指令,师生一起做,如:Stand up! Run! Walk! Jump! Jump! Jump10 times.活动结束后,教师说:I’m very tired. 并板书:tired. 让学生拼读。

6、教师放Let’s learn 录音,学生跟读单词。



教师先示范,教师做出的各种表情,让学生猜:Are you happy. /tired/bored....?然后再找一生上台做表情,让其他学生猜,并用以上的问答最后学生两人一组,一个做表情,另一个猜,并会使用:Are you....?和Do you feel ...? 两个句子提问。


(二)Let’s try

1、 You look so happy. But how do these children feel?放Let’s try 录音,让学生看图,静听一遍,然后再放一遍,让学生看图,听音,标号。

2、Tom is tired. Mary is sad. Jack is bored. But what’s the matter with them? 学生看书上 Let’s start 图说:Look at the picture. What are they doing? What’s the matter with them? They look so tired. I’m sure they have had a big trip. 教学新词 trip 并板书a big trip 领读。

(三)Let’s talk

3、They look so tired. They had a big trip. But

(1)How i s Liu Yun? Is she happy? Is she excited? Why? (让学生听音回答问题)

(2)教师再问:Is Sarah happy? How does she feel? Why? 让学生接着听音回答。

(3)请学生打开书再听录音,当听到I failed the math test. 这句时,停止听音,板书此句话,拿出准备好的一张成绩很差的数学试卷,让学生了解此句意思,然后再听两遍录音。









Pair work

1、师先示范,师做出开心的表情问学生:Look at me. How do I feel? 学生说:You look so happy. 师马上肯定地说:Yes. Because you have done a good job. 教师再做出不开心的表情问学生:How do I feel now? 学生说:You look sad. 师说:Yes, because I have a headache提示学生说:I am sorry to hear that. 然后再找一名学生做表情,让师猜,并用以上此主句型,最后小组之间各找一生做不同表情,其他几个问,以此来练习本课所学的主要内容。这时教师在班里走动指导,帮助学生陈述产生这种心情的原因。








Unit 2 What’s the matter, Mike?

tired angry

How are you?

excited happy


sad bored.

You look so happy.

I’m sorry to hear that


On the farm


1.能听懂、会说、会读交际用语:Welcome to … What are these/those?They’re …Are these/those …? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t

2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:they’re=they are, pig, cow, chicken, duck

3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:farm, they, pig, apple, those



1.句型:What are these/those? Are these/those …?的语调和用法。

2.词汇:farm, they, those, chicken, apple, pear的读音;a和an用法的区别;名词复数形式。




Step1 Before class

Listen and Sing a song:Old Mac Donald had a farm

Step 2. Warming up

1. Free talk.

T:Hello,boys and girls.I’m your new English teacher,Miss Wang.

I’m very glad to be here.

I want to be your friend.

OK,firstly,I want to know your names.

T:What’s your name? Who’s your friend?

Nice to meet you.Welcome to my class.(PPT)

S:Thank you.

2. Learn to say:Welcome to …


3. Lead-in and learn

T: Boys and girls,we sang a song before class.We were very happy.

We saw a lot of animals there.Right?(PPT出现农场画面)

They were on the farm.

Learn ‘on the farm’。

Step 3. Presentation and practice

1.Learn : What are these/those? And ‘pigs/cows/ducks/chickens’

(1)What are these?They’re pigs.

(2) Are these pigs?No,

What are these?They’re cows.

(3) What are those?They’re …s.

Are those …?Yes./No.


2. Let’s say.A chant

These,these. What are these?

Pigs,pigs. They’re pigs.

Those,those. What are those?

Cows,cows. They’re cows.

Step 4.Text-learning

1.Task 1 : Let’s listen! Who is on the farm too? (谁也在农场?)

2.Task 2 : Listen and tick:What’s on the farm?

3,Task 3 : Let’s watch: (欣赏动画,将农场上的动植物摆在正确的位置。)

A. pigs

B. cows

C. apples

D. pears

4.Task 4 : Let’s follow.(跟读) ☆ 注意语音语调 ☆ 要读出感情哦

5.Task 5 : Let’s read. (让我们读吧!)分角色朗读。

6.Task 6 : Farm show! (农场秀!)(发挥想象创编并表演,说得越多越好哦!)

T:It’s great fun to visit a farm. Liu Tao and Mike have great fun on the farm. It’s great fun to have a farm,too.

30 years later, you’re grown up. Someone may have a wonderful farm. Would you please show your friends around your farm? Make a dialogue in groups.

A model:

A (farmer): Look! I have a farm! Look! They’re pigs!/They’re cows! Welcome to my farm, Mr …!

B: Oh, thank you! My good friend, Mr/Miss …

A: Nice to see you!

B: Nice to see you! What are these?

A: They’re … They’re lovely!

Would you like a …?

B: Yes, please. Thank you! I like… What are those?

A: They’re …s. They’re sweet. Would you like … ?

B: Yes, please. It’s yummy!

A: Do you like my farm?

B: Yes. It’s great!

A: Welcome to my farm next time!

B: Thank you. Bye-bye!

A: Goodbye!

Step 5. Ticking time

Ticking time

I can talk about things on a farm.

I can act things on a farm.

Step 6. Homework

1.Read Story time for 5 times.

2.Make your performance better.

3.Visit a farm if it’s possible.


Unit 7 On the farm

--What are these/those?

--They’re …s.

--Are these/those …s?

--Yes./No,they’re …s.